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Powell Gallery Exhibition: Hidden Beauty and Emerging Perspectives by Pat Zuest

Powell Gallery
28.04.2024 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Hidden Beauty and Emerging Perspectives by Pat Zuest

Toronto Camera Club
587 Mount Pleasant Road
Toronto, Ontario  M4S 2M5

Open to the Public on Mondays, April 8, 15, 22, 29, 2024 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm  and on Saturdays April 06, 13,  20 from 12.00 pm - 4.00pm

Note that the Powell Gallery will also be accessible for people who have purchased tickets to our Public Presentation on April 25, 26, 27 and 28. For details on the Public Presentation, click here.

Pat Zuest has been a member of the Toronto Camera Club for thirty years. Her images set an unparalleled standard within our club,captivating the viewer not only as visual delights but also serving as aspirational benchmarks.

Pat has been a certified judge for over 20 years, and among the numerous panels of judges she stands out as possessing both stronganalytic skills and deep experience in the artistic nuances and technical intricacies of photography.

Having begun photography in the 1990s as an underwater and nature photographer, this print show will feature her recent explorations in abstract and impressionism in photo based art along with some favourites from her international travels and home bases in both BC and Ontario. 

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