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Toronto Camera Club Governance

Following is the Club's Board of Directors, Executive Officers, and Past Presidents Council, by Season.

Executive Officers

President   Kathryn Moore
1st Vice President   MaryAnn Griffin
2nd Vice President   Victor Peters
Past President   Norah Jancik
Secretary   James Douglas
Treasurer   Victor Peters


Board of Directors

Andrew Wodzinski   MaryAnn Griffin
Carol Baptista   Norah Jancik
Howard Weinberg   Stanley Shoolman
Ira Weiss   Susan Lemieux
James Douglas   Victor Peters
Lily Markovic    


Past President's Council

Christopher Siou 2019-2020, 2020-2021
Gord McElroy 2008-2009, 2009-2010
Michael Collins 2006-2007, 2007-2008
Mike Fellhauer 2017-2018
Peter McClelland 2014-2014
Ray Anderson 2021-2022, Chairperson
William (Bill) Reith 2012-2013, 2013-2014

Executive Officers

President   Kathryn Moore
1st Vice President   MaryAnn Griffin
2nd Vice President   Victor Peters
Past President   Norah Jancik
Secretary   James Douglas
Treasurer   Victor Peters


Board of Directors

Carol Baptista   Kathryn Moore
Carolyn Ireland   Lily Markovic
Christopher Siou   MaryAnn Griffin
Howard Weinberg   Norah Jancik
Ira Weiss   Stanley Shoolman
James Douglas    Victor Peters


Past President's Council

Gord McElroy 2008-2009, 2009-2010
Michael Collins 2006-2007, 2007-2008
Mike Fellhauer 2017-2018
Peter McClelland 2014-2014
Ray Anderson 2021-2022, Chairperson
William (Bill) Reith 2012-2013, 2013-2014

Executive Officers

President   Norah Jancik
1st Vice President   Kathy Moore
2nd Vice President   MaryAnn Griffin
Past President   Ray Anderson
Secretary   Bill Reith
Treasurer   Victor Peters


Board of Directors

Bill Reith   Kathy Moore
Carol Baptista   Lily Markovic
Carolyn Ireland   MaryAnn Griffin
Christopher Siou   Norah Jancik
Howard Weinberg   Ray Anderson
James Douglas   Victor Peters


Past President's Council

Mike Fellhauer(2017-2019), Chairperson
Peter McClelland 2014-2014
Georges Benay (2011-2012)
Gord McElroy (2008-2010)
Ted Richards (2010-201)

Executive Officers

President   Ray Anderson
1st Vice President   Norah Jancik
2nd Vice President   Kathy Moore
Past President   Christopher Siou
Secretary   Bill Reith
Treasurer   Victor Peters


Board of Directors

Bill Reith   Kathy Moore
Bruce Taylor   Lily Markovic
Carol Baptista   MaryAnn Griffin
Carolyn Ireland   Norah Jancik
Christopher Siou   Ray Anderson
James Douglas   Stanley Shoolman


Past President's Council

Mike Fellhauer(2017-2019), Chairperson
Georges Benay (2011-2012)
Gord McElroy (2008-2010)
Peter McClelland 2014-2014
Ted Richards (2010-201)

Executive Officers

President   Christopher Siou
1st Vice President   Ray Anderson
2nd Vice President   Manu Milkani
Past President   Mike Fellhauer
Secretary   Bill Reith
Treasurer   Victor Peters


Board of Directors

Bill Reith   Manu Malkani
Bruce Taylor   Mike Fellhauer
Carolyn Ireland   Ray Anderson
Christopher Siou   Shelley Hassard
Felix Rivero   Stanley Shoolman
James Douglas   Tom Hsiao

Image Credit: Lucie Collins, Transportation