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Toronto Camera Club: Upcoming Events

Following is a list of upcoming events at the Toronto Camera Club. For further details, see the relevant website page and/or the Website Calendar.

DatePresenter Activity
July 13 Donated equipment sale. Click here.
July 17 Summertime Zoom Meeting 7:30-9:30pm
July 31 Summertime Zoom Meeting 7:30-9:30pm

 Presenter Legend:

  Means that the presenter will be at the club, in person.
  Means that the presenter will be presenting in a virtual format, which is Zoom.
    Means that one of the presenters will be in person and the other on Zoom.
FYI For your information.
Club Closed  Means that the club is closed and the presentation will be on Zoom only.

Always check the Website Calendar before going to the Club in case a last-minute change was made.


Image Credit: Algonquin Morning, Radu Dinu