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Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are small groups of Club members who share an interest in a particular area of photography and meet regularly to pursue it. Topics and formats of SIGs are completely open. For instance, members of the Personal Style SIG meet on zoom to share and discuss images, but a hypothetical SIG for street photography might combine outings to shoot with gatherings to compare images.  

SIG meetings are not part of the regular Club program nor are they focussed on competitions, but the Club supports them by, for instance, providing a way for anyone thinking of starting a SIG to advertise for like-minded people in the Newsletter. They may also like to contact  SIG coordinator for suggestions ( ; currently Sara Shettleworth Mrosovsky).

As of September, 2024, the only active SIG is the Personal Style group, started by Pat Zuest with the support of three other members in 2022. This group of 15 experienced photographers meets on Wednesday afternoons once a month on zoom to share and discuss images, with the aim of supporting each member in developing their personal style. Membership is limited to 15; there is currently (September, 2024) room for three new members. Anyone interested can contact the SIGs coordinator.  

For Membership Information, click here.

Image Credit: Janna Cheng, Humber Bay Park