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Welcome to the 2024-2025 Club Season

<p>Image Credit: Someone's Watching, James Cuthbert</p>.

Our clubs program reflects the latest health guidelines of the city of Toronto for the safety of our members.  Meetings are held in-person along with our online virtual meetings.  Please check our website for the latest updates before heading out for meetings, lectures, workshops or outings.

Click here for our latest Health protocol.

On behalf of the club's Board of Directors and all volunteers, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all new and returning members. Catherine AuYeung and Gina Jackson our Program Co-chairs, have put together an exciting, educational and fun program for all Members. We have a separate committee working on our Inspirational Images Evenings this Season. A full lecture series is organized by, Andrew Wodzinski and Frank Eberdt. In addition, other workshops organized by various volunteers are also scheduled. Details can be found in the website calendar. A big thank you to all volunteers for organizing these events.

There are three ways to attend club meetings, lectures, and other meetings that usually precede the regular Monday meetings:

1) Attending in person

During all meetings and lectures, there may be a combination of in person presenting in the club and virtual presenting from the presenter's home. In either case, all the presentations will be projected in full screen mode on the auditorium wall.

2) Virtual Attendance via the ZOOM application (Live streamed)

You can find  a Zoom link in the Members' section of the TCC website. Please do not share this with non-members.

3) Recorded meetings on YouTube

All meetings and lectures will be recorded (where possible) and will be posted on our club's private YouTube channel for members to view later.

That's it! We are all working hard to make things work and I know we will all enjoy another great camera club year! Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Kathryn Moore, Toronto Camera Club President

Image Credit: Someone's Watching, James Cuthbert