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Eva Kato Memorial Trophy

Originally, this trophy was awarded for photo essays that were not travelogues, then for 10 minute photo essays and subsequently for pictorial photo essays. It is presently awarded for photo essays made by Experienced makers, that is, makers who have previously won awards in the novice sub-category. Originally known as the President's Trophy, this was renamed in 2017 in honour of Eva Kato, who was a Past President (1995-97) and contributed numerous feature-length travelogues to the Club's public presentations.

1972 Les Haydu (1) 1973 Not Awarded 1974 Ralph Brunner (2) 1975 Helen Parsons
1976 H. Cook 1977 Iona Bell 1978 Alan Whitter 1979 Sinclair Hemmingway
1980 Phyllis & Karl Reeser 1981 Ernie Attenborough 1982 Stuart Frost 1983 Iona Bell
1984 Debbie Montgomery & Cliff Homewood 1985 Phyllis & Karl Reeser 1986 Don Dawson 1987 Charlotte Broome
1988 Not Awarded 1989 Ralph Brunner 1990 Not Awarded 1991 Harry Cartner
1992 Philip Gandon 1993 Charlotte Broome 1994 John Bennett 1995 Charlotte Broome
1996 Charlotte Broome 1997 Jack & Joan Bennett 1998 Christopher Siou 1999 Ralph Grose
2000 Christopher Siou 2001 Margarete & Ralph Brunner 2002 Christopher Siou 2003 Christopher Siou
2004 Christopher Siou 2005 Christopher Siou 2006 Christopher Siou 2007 Phip Wiegand
2008 Margarete Brunner 2009 Christopher Siou 2010 Margarete Brunner 2011 Christopher Siou
2012 Christopher Siou 2013 Ann Alimi 2014 Pat Zuest 2015 Not Awarded
2016 Christopher Siou 2017 Catalin Sandu 2018 Catalin Sandu 2019 Gareth Jones
2020 Terri Jankelow 2021 Ann Alimi 2022 Christopher Siou 2023 Gareth Jones
2024 Kiril Rusev      

  1. Focus Magazine, May/June 1972, Page 108.
  2. Focus Magazine, May/June 1974, Page 102.

Note that the names of Les Haydu and Ralph Brunner are not on the physical trophy, for unknown reasons. Therefore, the Focus Magazine references are included here.