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Please read all of this webpage, before clicking the link in step-1.

Thank you for your interest in the Toronto Camera Club. We would be happy to have you as a new member, and you can join online.
Please note that when you join the Club, it’s a multi-step process.
1.    You Register-to-Join, by clicking this link.
2.    When you register, you will be asked to confirm your email address. Watch your inbox, and if you don’t see anything (it can take 5 minutes to receive the email), check your SPAM folder.
3.    When you confirm your email address, you will be presented with a link, so that you can pay for your Membership, using a credit card. 
4.    Once your payment is confirmed, you will be sent a Welcome email, with instructions on how to log into the Member-Only section of the website.
5.    Please do not register Wednesdays from 10am-12 noon, as this is the website maintenance window.
After you have joined you will get a weekly Newsletter with all the details of what's going on at the Club. The Newsletter is normally sent every Saturday. 
You will also get a Welcome-Kit that contains a lot of useful information about our Club Program, our website, and you can request a Buddy (a person with some club-experience) to help you get started and feel welcome and comfortable in the Club.
Please note that, due to the pandemic, we have hybrid meetings (virtual meeting using Zoom and in-person meetings at the Club). Therefore, you can choose to attend, using Zoom, or come to the Club.
If you have any further questions or issues with the sign-up process, email us using the email address below.
David Hillock, Membership Co-Chair
Matt Frepp, Membership Co-Chair

If you are an existing Member who wants to Renew your Membership, please click here.

If you are a past Member who wants to re-join, please contact

New Membership Options for the current Season. If you would like to join the Toronto Camera Club, and pay for your Membership online - using a credit card - please click the link below.

Before clicking the link, be aware that joining is a three-step process: register to join; confirm your email address; then pay with your credit card.

Please note that we have now opened new Memberships for the 2024-2025 Season!
Join now for the New Member price and your Membership will not expire until June 30th, 2025!

Pointers for a smooth and successful process:

  • Once you begin the process, you cannot come back to it later. Please proceed through all three steps in one sitting.
  • If you do not receive the email so that you can confirm your email address, check your SPAM folder and know that it could take up to five minutes for the email to arrive.
  • Have your credit card ready. We accept American Express, MasterCard, and Visa.
  • If you have trouble with the process, contact the Membership Chair by sending an email to

To begin the process, click here.

 The Toronto Camera Club has a number of policies that pertain to privacy, refunds, the website, and the operation of the Club itself. When you join the Club, you are agreeing to these policies. These documents can be found below: 

1 Club Reservation Policy & Related Procedures Click Here
2 Competition Rules (2023-08) Click Here
3 Current By-laws (2020-2023-12-14) Click Here
4 Darkroom Policy Click Here
5 Harassment Policy Click Here
6 In-house Nude Photography Policy Click Here
 7 Life Memberships Policy Click Here
8 New Member Booklet (2023-09) Click Here
9 Membership Requirements & Fees Click Here
10 Privacy Policy Click Here
11 Refund Policy Click Here
12 Returning Member Policy Click Here
13 Club Studio Policy Click Here
14 Website - A Quick-Start Guide Click Here 
15  Website Personal Profile Policy Click Here 
15६ Website - Terms and Conditions Click Here

  • We are now accepting Memberships for the 2024-2025 Season - click here

Following are the discounted Membership fees for New Members. Note that Renewal Membership Fees can be found below the following table.

Individual: First Year $125   Half year after Dec 31st - $62.50 (New Members only) *
Family: First Year $220   Half year after Dec 31st - $110.00 (New Members only) *
Full-time Student: Annually   $50   With full-time student validation.
Guest Privileges: Annually $15   This is an optional fee, with added benefits - see below.

Membership Fee Notes:

  • Family Membership is for one household, and a maximum of two people.
  • New Members (Individual or Family) enjoy a 50% discount, if joining in January
  • The Talking Photography Lecture Series is included in all memberships.
  • Those with Guest Privileges may bring a guest to any non-fee Club activity. The Talking Photography Lecture Series is not included.
  • The Annual Membership is from July 1st to June 30th , and the fees are not prorated.
  • Membership Renewal Fees are as follows: Individual $150, Family $260, Full-time Student $50. 

If you require further information, email

To apply for this special offer, select the Join our Club sub-menu item above.

Being a Member of the Toronto Camera Club offers many privileges, some of which are outlined below.

  • The club will give you an opportunity to have your work evaluated and to earn your way from the Beginners Division to the Masters Division. Awards are given to recognize levels of achievement. If you want to learn how judges evaluate images, you are welcome to attend judging evenings. Note that images taken with mobile phone cameras and tablet cameras are allowed.
  • At the Talking Photography Lecture Series, which members have the privilege of attending at no extra cost, you will hear speakers provide an insight into their photographic specialty.
  • The darkroom is available for members who can demonstrate their competence in its use. Learning sessions for this purpose are available.
  • Club outings give you an informal way to get to know other members and to share techniques with them.
  • You will have an opportunity to enter your digital images, or prints in the annual International Salon where you can compare your work against entries from many other countries. You may also enter the annual competition held by the Greater Toronto Council of Camera Clubs.
  • The club library has a wide selection of books available to members. Check it out before meetings and at intermissions. It is one level up from the auditorium. Also, on the upper level is the Powell Gallery. Enjoy the selection of prints displayed for your interest and appreciation.
  • We have an Image Evaluation Group that meets regularly, check the website calendar for details.
  • Membership entitles members to participate in club competitions, display a website gallery, receive achievement awards, participate in workshops, free admission for the Talking Photography Series, outings and much more. Members may be eligible for discounts at certain stores.